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Week 4


  • Configure Grafana data source for RDS database metrics.
  • Create a dashboard template for RDS open connections monitoring.
  • Implement visualization for RDS writes-per-second metrics.
  • Prepare detailed documentation for RDS monitoring setup.



  1. Configuring Grafana to monitor RDS database metrics requires setting up appropriate data sources and permissions for accessing RDS data securely.
  2. Creating meaningful dashboards and visualizations for RDS metrics involves selecting relevant metrics and designing clear and actionable visual representations.
  3. Understanding the significance of open connections and writes-per-second metrics in RDS helps in identifying potential performance bottlenecks and optimizing database operations.
  4. Properly documenting the configuration and dashboard setup ensures efficient knowledge transfer and ease of maintenance for the monitoring system in the future.
  5. Midpoint review was a great help to get important feedback and ensure that I'm on the right learning path.